Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yesterday I took the longest bus trip of my life. It clocked in at a total of 14 hours! 14 HOURS! I've never driven across the United States but I'm pretty sure if you drove for 14 hours you would be at least to Georgia if you were starting in California of course. Luckily I brought a lot of snacks for the bus. :) I'm now officially in my permanent region. Yay but now comes the scary part...for the next month I'm all alone getting to know my village and speaking Hausa. I also won't have internet access for the next month either. So to keep you entertained while I'm away I have included the following link which gives you an incredibly accruate view of my life in Niger.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your next post!
    I think Kimie is missing you already. I know I'll miss descriptions of your mutual adventures.
    Good luck, and God bless!!
